Monday, January 30, 2006

난 바보야.

Rei bboyed at 21:42

Friday, January 27, 2006

8th day - since we ended.
11th day - since i last saw you.
"words, words, words."
not one word can describe what i feel for you.
love is a word too general.
what one word,
can describe the feeling of never-ending yearning?
what one word,
can describe the lost i feel when i left you?
what one word,
can describe the sleepless nights i spend thinking about you?
what one word,
can describe the adoration when i look at you?
what one word,
can describe the satisfaction of just sitting beside you?
what one word,
can describe the brightening effect your smile has on me?
no words,
no words at all.

Rei bboyed at 13:04

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

let me tell you a story about a happy little bee:

a happy little bee buzzed around merrily, basking in the warm glow of sunshine. if bees could whistle, this bee would. it gently hummed as it searched for the only thing that mattered the most in it's entire lifespan - honey. delicious, warm liquid honey. suddenly, the wind changed. it got stronger. poor little bee started flying harder. but the current got stronger and stronger. little bee struggled furiously. it was tiring. meanwhile, clouds gather above. dark looming clouds. slowly, the earth sank into gloominess. the small bee, now tired and hopelessly blind, gave up. the wind carried it, and blew it everywhere. it was like a rag doll being thrown into a rocky sea. the rain poured. those big droplets slammed against the tiny bee. it was in so much pain, but it could not express it. it tried withstanding the pain, but it was too much to bear. all it could to, was cry in silent despair. when the storm finally died, the bee found itself in a foreign land. a foreign, barren land. no flowers, no trees, no grass grew in sight. lonely little bee was scared. it flew about in circles, albeit abit haphazardly. its wings were bent. it didnt know what to do. it didnt know where home is, and it couldnt find honey. what was it going to do? it wanted to cry, but bees dont have any tears. for days, it fluttered its battered wings, but to no avail. there was no way out of this hell. this hell on earth. pitifully, tiny bee collapsed on the hard cracked ground. it was in pain, but it couldnt cry out. it wished.. for a miracle.

miracles are wonders created by God, which happens few and far between. it takes alot of courage, to believe in miracles, because one can wait for an entire lifetime, and not see it happen. however, where there's courage, there's love. and where there's love, there's miracles. love, is the only thing that connects us mere humans to God. it is the only thing, that's pure in this contaminted world. it has been there since day one of earth, and in our hearts when we were born. to love, is a miracle itself. because few people can look deep into their hearts, and find the love that has been hidden from them. the courage to find it, the courage to love, the courage to believe in miracles. i believe in miracles, do you?

Rei bboyed at 22:55

Monday, January 23, 2006

it was like in a desert
and i saw an oasis.
i dreamt of your voice
that tone.
that sweet sweet tone.
it was calling for me..
it was beautiful.
but the oasis,
was but a mirage.
i awoke,
and all the replaced the happiness,
was the emptiness of the heart.

i was stranded alone,
in a middle of an unknown chaotic land.
then i saw you,
walking towards me,
holding out your hand.
the relief..
the joy..
the love..
when you took my hand,
i felt so safe.
you smiled,
and all the troubles were gone.

i was lying on my bed,
a lonely figure trying to sleep.
i closed my eyes,
and wished upon a star.
you appeared beside me,
and hugged me to sleep.
it was that moment,
that magical moment,
when the birds started singing.
when the sun shone bright and clear.
when my heart soared.
when i knew,
i love you.

i heard your voice.
the yearning grew.
the pain grew.
the love grew.
i miss you so much.
i long to see you.
your eyes..
your smile..
i miss holding your hand
i miss arguing with you
i miss kissing you goodbye
i miss nagging at you
i just miss you.
this heart of mine..
this broken heart of mine..
will always beat for you.
only for you.

Rei bboyed at 21:21

Sunday, January 22, 2006

18 things guys should do to girls

1. Hold her hand at any moment even if it just for a second. [It shows how much you appreciate her presence]
2. Kiss her on the forehead. [a loving gesture, helping her feel secure]
3. Leave her voice messages to wake up to. [even SMS or missed-call will do... Nothing can beat waking up to the voice/message of your loved one]
4. When she is upset, hold her tight and tell her how much she means to you. [need I say more?]
5. Recognize the small things . . . THEY USUALLY MEAN THE MOST! [it's the tiny bits and pieces that count]
6. Pick her over all the other girls you hang out with. [Yeah, and tell her she's the prettiest and best of all]
7. Write her notes. [to make her feel that she's always on your mind]
8. Introduce her to friends as your girlfriend. [it shows how much you want her to be a part of you]
9. Play with her hair.
10. Pick her up, tickle her
11. Just talk to her. [you never know what will she say]
12. Tell her funny jokes, tell her stupid jokes, just tell her jokes.

13. Let her fall asleep in your arms, or at least just lie on your shoulders. [sigh...heaven...]
14. If she's mad at you, apologize because SHE is always right.
16. Treat her the same around your friends as you do when you're alone. [this means a LOT to her,and it shows a lot about you as well]
17. Look her in the eyes and smile.[Believe me it works.. it has its own magic]

18. If you are in love with her . . . tell her. [and show it.]

sweet :)) i wonder who came up with this list.. and the comments. hahaha if any guy does that, i will just melt! .... uhmmm, maybe not. hahaha 발트는 그것을 하면 내 세상은 더 아름답겠어... hahaha

Rei bboyed at 14:43

Friday, January 20, 2006

i've ended it.
do i really want it?
do i regret?
but i know he doesnt care.
and i know he doesnt love me.
lexy was right on 3 songs.
"요즘 남자들 똑같애 다 애송이야"
"모든 남자들은 animal"
and yes, i will "눈물씻고 화장하고 다른 남자 찾겠어"
she is so inspiring :))
maybe ongyan is right..
i'm giving him my all because he's the first.
once i get used to relationships,
breaking up wouldnt be bad, aiight?
but truth is,
i really can't bear to love another person anymore.
i've given up.
아마.. 이 세상에서 참사랑은 진짜 없어.
i've been reading too many fairytales.
i've been believing in too many fairytales.
time to wake up :))

Rei bboyed at 00:03

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

i carry your heart with me [i carry it in my heart]
i am never without it [anywhere i go you go, my dear;
and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling]
i fear no fate [for you are my fate,my sweet]
i want no world [for beautiful you are my world, my true]
and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant
and whatever a sun will always sing is you
here is the deepest secret nobody knows [here is the root of the root

and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;
which growshigher than the soul can hope or mind can hide]
and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart
i carry your heart [i carry it in my heart]

a beautiful poem for the people i love in my life.
+ i have just realised, that all these while, i was searching for the perfect woman, and she was actually standing beside me, loving me dearly with all her heart and soul. i was actually looking for a second her, which i can never find. a beautiful, kind, generous, well-mannered, intelligent and gentle woman with morals. where can i ever find another woman like you? i love you more than anything else in the world.
+ my dearest brother whom i love. though i've never said the 3 words to him before, my love for him is boundless, and nothing can break the bond between him and me. he's the most wonderful brother any sister can wish for.
+ my friends.. who still stand by me. who still love me. you all know who you are.. and i thank you all for the friendship you all have given me. i hope this beautiful dream will never cease.. for you all have given me so much more joy i can ever hope for.
+ 내 남자친구... hahahaha though i've only been with you for 5 months, and our stupid quarrels, your disgusting past which i can never seem to let go, my heart can't help but drowned itself in the love river. stupid.. but hey, love is blind :)) i just wish you can reciprocate the love i've given you..

i cant help it.. the poem is so wonderfully melancholic ;_;

Rei bboyed at 17:09

Friday, January 06, 2006

ok. van tagged me. supposedly, it's a game.

Rules of the game: post 5 weird and random facts about yourself, then at the end list the names of 5 people who are next in the line to do this. Don't forget to leave a comment that says you are tagged in their blog and tell them to read yours.

so uhmmm. i should like try to start thinking of what weird facts that i have. this is hard. i cant even think of one, let alone five.

1. uhmm. my double eyelid is sorta fake. and no, i didnt go for plastic surgery nor paste some stupid stickers. its sorta fake cox, i wasnt supposed to be double eyelidded. it only appeared when i was about 4 or 5. i ran a really high fever, and after i recovered, its been there till now.

2. i have a strange obssession with cutting nails. i just love cutting nails!! there's a satisfaction in hearing them snap, and then gone!

3. i was born on friday the 13th. i'm such a lucky kid, am i?

4. i'm thinking really hard. i have no idea what other weird facts i have. uhmmm. ok. how about this? i tried to hatch an egg before. twice. first was when i was 5 - i put the egg on the cushion and i laid down on my stomach. i was in that position for really long, until my maid saw me and called me crazy. second was 10 - i put the egg in the oven and heated for a minute. when i opened the oven door, i stared in wonder at the egg, hoping a little chick will start hatching before my eyes. lo and behold, it exploded in my face :))

5. i'm too lazy to work my brain out. i shall leave this to my friends, maybe they know what other weird things there are about me.

and yes. now for the next 5 people. thank god. now its your turn to stress!! hahahahaha
1. bei
2. kei
3. jei
4. ws
5. angie

Rei bboyed at 15:09

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